This morning, after ringing in the new year for the 40th time, I was awakened early with the thoughts of how many things I've learned over the years. Here are 40 reflections to start off the year:
- The best thing I can be for my children is a good husband to their mother.
- Trust is of the utmost importance in both personal and professional relationships.
- Being a good father, husband, brother and businessman do not have to be mutually exclusive.
- Diligence is more than just a nice concept, it's hard work.
- Life is full of a bunch of props used to mold, test and check our hearts.
- Real unity only comes through self sacrifice.
- Expecting another to fix my problems only leads to disappointment and frustration.
- If all you can do is what you're doing, then you're doing enough.
- Besides Jesus, my family is my most valuable asset.

- Learning to forgive is as important as learning to love.
- Living with integrity means eating humble pie once in a while.
- Some battles can only be fought through fasting and prayer.
- My wife is my "helpmeet." Therefore, I'm the one actually responsible for making sure everything gets done, not her.
- My children are simply a reflection of me. The good, as well as the bad in me.
- When I become frustrated with others, it is most productive to first look within myself to see how I am frustrating to others and to God himself.
- Honoring and being honorable are decisions that must be made before a situation demands it.
- The more I have to accomplish, the more important the time I need to spend with the Lord each morning becomes.
- The church is an invaluable asset that I do not deserve.

- It is a divine blessing to love what you do and do what you love.
- When God directs us to speak or do, we must obey, because the aftertaste of willful disobedience is not pleasant and lasts a long time.
- Choosing to walk with Jesus, means I will have enemies whom I need to love.
- Persecution often begins with those who are close to you.
- Humor is a priceless asset that lightens one's load.
- Humor is best used toward one's self.
- Close relationships are worth the hurt one risks.
- Through assumption comes nothing but strife.
- Fellowship always begins between an individual and God.

- Communication is an essential skill needed to thrive in relationships.
- Learning to listen is more valuable than learning to talk.
- Teaching is more valuable when delivered in a one on one relationship, rather than as an edict from on high.
- The innocence of children is the best source of humor.
- When you have an abundance of children, you have all the entertainment one needs.
- Walking in the Light, means having nothing to hide.
- We must be careful to let God be God, not government.
- Assessing where a person spends their time and money exposes their values.
- Growing older is a valuable asset if one is striving for wisdom.

- The body is an intricately designed mechanism that functions as one, and hurts when it doesn't function as it's been designed.
- Having a good name is more valuable than abundant riches.
- I still have a lot to learn.