"Today it's me, tomorrow it'll be you. It's time to wake up."
~ Barronelle Stutzman

From time to time issues come across my desk that I just have to share with you all. This is one of those times.
Barronelle Stutzman is a Christian Florist in Richmond, Washington who employs gays, serves gay individual customers, yet is being vilified as a "hating bigot" for declining to do the flowers for a homosexual couple's wedding. The gay couple's choice to marry simply goes against her Christian beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman. When she told the gay customer she couldn't, in good conscience, do their wedding she offered three recommendations of other quality florists who could perform flowers for their wedding. One of these recommendations were indeed able to get their flowers done for their big event.
By taking a stand on faith this courageous woman is standing for the sanctity of marriage as defined by the Christian standard, but she is also making a stand for freedom that was once cherished by all in this country. Today few understand what freedom even is supposed to look like.
Mrs. Stutzman declined the business without demeaning the gay couple, without treating them as second class citizens. For God sake she and the gay customer hugged each other after she told him that it went against her beliefs about marriage. Barronelle handled this in the most loving way possible. Yet, because of her stand the State of
Washington's Attorney General, the ACLU and the rest of the LGBT militants have her in their cross-hairs. She has a court ruling that says she has freedom to believe but is not free to act on those beliefs. This judge ruled the government, ACLU and the gay couple have the ability to sue her and her husband without limitations.
Realistically this is a battle for freedom. Not every business must be forced to do business in areas that go against their beliefs. Should a person who goes into a Muslim or Orthodox Jew butcher expect to be served a side of bacon even though it goes against the proprietors beliefs? Would anyone reasonable person believe it would be right for anyone to force these hypothetical butchers to serve the pork?
What about a Seventh Day Adventist camp who refuses to serve a camper real meatballs verses vegetarian meatballs? Is it right for them to lose their camp facilities because some spoiled little brats parents pitch a fit that little Johnny didn't get what he wanted?
Further, If I receive an invitation to the marriage of a gay couple and I refuse to participate in their event, is this grounds for a lawsuit? When will it end? I say enough is enough.
The militant LGBT movement must be stopped in their relentless attacks on the God given freedoms of another person. Mrs. Stutzman has not done anything hateful. She simply chose not to participate in their wedding. She handled this in the best way possible. If the LGBT people really want freedom, then they must learn to respect the freedom of others who do not condone their lifestyle choices. Even my kids understand that with freedom comes responsibility. The gay couple was given the freedom in Washington to marry, true, but this does not take away the freedom of others who choose to not join with them in celebrating their personal event.
She is being sued for everything she and her husband have on the personal, as well as, the business side of life. Please consider standing for freedom alongside her.
Listen to her tell what is happening in her own words.
I encourage you to consider joining our family in supporting her through the
gofundme site that has been set up to help her. Her legal fight is being taken on by
Alliance Defending Freedom.
You might also consider sending someone flowers through
Arlene's Flowers and Gifts website. For an additional fee of $18 they can send flowers anywhere in the world. I know $18 is a lot of money, but symbolically it communicates that you value her stand for freedom and, come what may, many people still stand with her for the sake of freedom.